Sunday, February 15, 2009

Asides - Costume Design

With a nod to NYC's Fashion Week - Feb 13-20, and the touting of the hottest fashion designer's fall 2009 wardrobes, I thought it would be fun to look at some of the costume designers of the twenties and thirties. Unlike fashion designers, who have a free hand in expressing their creativity within the bounds of showing a profit, costume designers must work through the dictates of script, period, and who will actually be wearing their designs.

Click on the images for a larger view.

Monsieur Beaucaire (1924)

Costume Designers: Natacha Rambova (married to Valentino) and George Barbier

The costumes as worn by Lois Wilson and Rudolph Valentino

The Mystic (1925)

Costume Designer: Erté

The costume as worn by Aileen Pringle

Madam Satan (1930)

Costume Designer: Adrian

The costume as worn by Kay Johnson

Cleopatra (1934)

Costume Designer: Travis Banton

The costume as worn by Claudette Colbert

The Great Ziegfeld (1936)

Costume Designer: Adrian
Costumes worn by the Ziegfeld Girls


PIGNOUF said...

Fabulous, the association design and picture is outstanding! thank you

Raquel Stecher said...

Very nice! It's great to see the original drawings alongside the finished costumes. The Madam Satan one is my favorite.

Vanwall said...

The drawings are such works of art on their own merits - nice post!

artistvermont said...

Artistic work is beautiful. Dreaming I own all the ones from the 20s and 30s and am thin enough to wear them! But it is great just to see them together. They sure did know how to create Allure.

Anonymous said...


Jose de Leon said...

Wonderful post about one of my favorite fashion/costume designers. Definetly one of the great fashion icons!